Deutsche VersionDr. Music BookingBOOKING AGENCY

With our concert and tour booking agency, Dr. Music Booking, we book our bands and artists for appropriate events and festivals. Furthermore, we support our management and publishing artists by mediating support slots for established acts.

Nowadays, it is essential for an artist or a band not only to release a good album and promote it cross-medially but also to present it live to the audience to expand the fanbase. With our booking agency, we introduce our artists and bands to the concert and festival organizers appropriate for their target group. In festival applications, we pay attention to the suitable event with the right rhythm reaching the appropriate fans of the musicians, just as in tour booking, where we plan the best possible routing for the artists.

But please keep in mind to find suitable events for you, we first need good PR arguments for the potential clubs, concert agencies and festival organizers. Without an album release through established distribution partners and accompanied by a professional PR campaign, it will be challenging to convince concert promoters to work together. After all, the fans have to come to the clubs in large numbers to cover the event’s costs with their concert ticketsIt is also important for festival talent buyers that you already have a certain level of popularity, whether through press coverage, a very good social media reach, or your previous live concerts. It is also essential for the application to have good live or music videos, so the organizers can see that you are not only smashing on your releases.

If you don’t have a label or distribution partner yet, check out our artist & label services of Dr. Music Records and get a distribution deal along with a PR campaign prescribed by our specialists.

If you are already working with a distributor but don’t have any press coverage yet, our docs at Dr. Music Promotion will gladly advise you on our PR services for print, online, radio, TV and playlist pitching.

Dr. Music Booking currently represents the following artists:

→ Interested? Get in touch with Dr. Music Booking!